December Awards! Member of the Month, Gratitude & Grit Award, and Committed Club!

Wed, 04 Jan 2023 12:22:09 +0000
March 16, 2023
December Awards! Member of the Month, Gratitude & Grit Award, and Committed Club!

Brian C. - Member of the Month! Brian has been on fire recently! Making small changes to his diet, showing up consistently, challenging himself and putting in the extra work. Brian recently got his first Bar Muscle Up and has improved his Double Unders by 10x in the last month or so. It’s incredible to see his progress! Next time you see him, give him a massive high five!

Glenn G. - Gratitude & Grit Award. This award is for members who display one or both of our core values, and Glenn has shown both! Not long ago Glenn got a small fracture in her foot that sidelined her from a competition she really wanted to participate in. She didn’t let that stop her from coming to classes like normal and customizing each workout for what she was capable of! Rowing and biking with one foot and focusing on upper body and core strength, Glenn's Grit is off the chart! Many other people would’ve quit exercising all together, but Glenn has shown up consistently with a smile on her face  (that’s the Gratitude showing) and improved her fitness despite a temporary setback. Congrats Glenn! 

Committed Club. The bar for the storied KCI Committed Club has been raised, and these 40 people have attended 15 classes in the month of December! That’s impressive in the heart of the holiday season when it’s easier to just skip the gym for days on end! If you’re struggling to get into a routine - seek out one of these people and ask them how they do it!

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