Youth CrossFitYouth CrossFit

Youth Fitness Programs in Kansas City, MO

Youth CrossFit Classes for all ages!

Youth CrossFit is a FUN way for your kids to learn new physical skills and develop life skills.

Upcoming session: Feb-Mar ( 6 weeks ) 


Youth 3-5 - Wed or Thurs 5:15pm

Youth 6-9 - Mon 5:15pm or Wed 6:00pm

Youth 10-13 - Mon 6:00pm or Wed 6:45pm

Teen Athlete Development - Mon & Wed 7:15pm

Homeschool Youth (Ages 3-13) - Tuesday & Thursday 10:15am

To Enroll, CLICK HERE.

Not sure you want to commit? Your child may try a class for $10. Sign up for a trial class here

(Full class descriptions below) 

Youth CrossFit

Led by trained and qualified instructors, KCI Youth CrossFit uses age-appropriate skills, equipment, and challenges to build their strength, confidence, agility, coordination and more!

Your kids will develop confidence, trust, team work, and accountability through these classes! They will want to come back every week and be challenged!

Class Descriptions

Youth 3-5 This is a 30 minute class designed for beginners in the age range of 3-5 years old. Children will continue to fine tune and develop gross motor skills in a social setting with a theme for that day. Themes include, but not limited to: balance, agility, jumping, climbing, swinging, etc. They will begin their basic knowledge of movements that will continue them into the JV and Varsity classes as they progress through the years.

Youth 5-9 This is a 45 minute class open to ages 6-10. This class is geared towards learning and perfecting the basics of CrossFit: foundational strength, gymnastics and conditioning. Not only will athletes learn basic mechanics and range of motion, they will also develop better class participation skills including listening, following directions, being in control of their body and words and encouraging others.

Youth 10-13 This is a 45 minute class geared towards older kids or kids that have attended multiple Youth CrossFit sessions. This class builds on the foundational strength, gymnastics and conditioning and introduces more technical movements and lifts. In addition to being ‘ready for the next level’ these athletes display maturity and self motivation in their class participation skills. They are able to listen and follow instructions as well as maintain control of their body and words.

Teen Athlete Development

This program is designed to provide an environment for student athletes to develop and increase their strength and develop sport specific skills while working on injury prevention. Student athletes will continue to focus on their respective sport; gaining mobility, speed, and agility while simultaneously improving leadership, communication, teamwork, and motivation.

Homeschool Youth (Ages 3-13)

This 55-minute class is geared towards multiple age groups. Younger children (3-5) will develop gross motor skills in a social setting with a theme for that day. Themes include, but not limited to: balance, agility, jumping, climbing and swinging.

Older children (6-9) will learn and perfect the basics of CrossFit: foundational strength, gymnastics and conditioning. Not only will athletes learn basic mechanics and range of motion, they will also develop better class participation skills including listening, following directions, being in control of their body and words and encouraging others. 

For ages (10-13) we will further introduce more technical movements and workout concepts.

The classes are Coach-led, begin with a warm up and group 'exercise' game, roll into skill and strength work and finish with a conditioning workout.

To Enroll, CLICK HERE.

Not sure you want to commit? Your child may try a class for $10. Sign up for a trial class here

Program Background

CrossFit Kids is a method for teaching fitness to children ages 3-12. The program emphasizes good movement throughout childhood and adolescence. Consistently good mechanics translates to physical literacy, enhanced sports performance and fewer sports injuries for kids. Not only that, a vast body of research indicates that exercise is beneficial to cognitive function, which means consistent adherence to the program can have a positive impact on children’s academic achievement.

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$10 Trial Class
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