Travel and At-Home Workouts – Holidays 2021

Wed, 24 Nov 2021 17:34:14 +0000
March 16, 2023
Travel and At-Home Workouts – Holidays 2021

Cheers to a Happy Holiday Season 2021! Here are 5 go-to workouts while you are travelling or too busy to make it to the gym!


WOD #1

-800m Run
-60 Air Squats
-40 Hollow Rocks

WOD #2

20 rounds for time:

5 push ups

7 sit ups

10 squats

WOD #3

Every 6:00 for 3 sets
-600m Run
-1:00 MAX effort KB swings or Jumping Air Squats
-30 Sit ups

WOD #4

3 rounds for time :

20 burpees

40 air squats

60 jumping jacks


WOD #5

Every 3:00 for 30:00
-200m Run
-10 Hand Release Push Ups
-10 Sit Ups

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