The Law of Diminishing Intent

Wed, 18 Sep 2019 22:37:40 +0000
March 16, 2023
The Law of Diminishing Intent

What are you waiting for?

What are you putting off?

What makes you feel uncomfortable?

Jim Rohn coined the “Law of Diminishing Intent”

“Most people don’t act as quickly as they should on things. The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.”

Waiting increases the odds of never doing.

There’s a good chance that if you acted right now on one of those answers from above, you’d move closer to a goal, a lifestyle, or fulfillment.

Are you ready? Probably not. But do it now. Too big of a task to do right now? Take steps in the next 24 hours to accomplish it!

  1. Start today
  2. Stop listening to the negative voice in your head
  3. Seek to understand your “Why”
  4. Seek help

Start Today

There’s a good chance your putting off something big in your life. A career move. A fitness routine. Changing nutrition habits. You need to remember that everything in life takes a process, and sometimes a small step forward is all that it takes. So what small step can you take today? Maybe you’re going to set a calendar reminder every day for the next 90 days to do some particular task. Maybe you can open LinkedIn and just look through your contact list. Take a small step, but do something today. And then again tomorrow! Build some momentum by doing one small step each day.

Stop Listening to the Negative Voice in Your Head

Everyone’s negative voice is saying something different, but you have to learn how to tune it out! “You’ll fail.” “You’re not good enough.” “You’ve never been able to lose weight.” You have that voice – and it’s going to hold you back forever if you won’t control it. Start putting positive thoughts into your head. Write down 3 positive thoughts. Say them out loud 50 times every day. Use your commute or some quiet time. Replace the negative voice with your own voice – out loud – saying positive things!

Seek to Understand your “Why”

You need to really understand why you want something. You’ve got to dig under the surface and get to your core. Write down the thing you want to act on. Then, write down 4 lines underneath that. “This is important to be because ____” Each line should get you to a deeper understanding of why it’s important to you. If you don’t have a rock-solid “why”, you’ll never execute. It hurts, but its true. Discover clarity by asking yourself why!

Seek Help

You will not achieve your goal on your own. You just won’t. And that’s a good thing! Embrace it! You have the opportunity to ask someone to be part of what you want to achieve, and they will be excited! Find someone who is disciplined or someone who has done what you’re trying to do. Find a coach. Find a mentor. Find an industry expert. There are people just waiting to happily help you and all you have to do is ask! Write down 5 names, and then ask them for their help and support!

Remember, you won’t feel ready. It will feel awkward and uncomfortable. But once you start building momentum! Those feelings will turn to excitement, joy, and pride! You just have to get started. The Law of Diminishing Intent is a real thing – and now that you know it – you can (and will) overcome it!

Get after it this week!

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The post The Law of Diminishing Intent appeared first on KCI CrossFit.

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