Spirit of the Open Week 1 - 2025

2025 Spirit of the Open nominees - Week 1! Winners are selected by their display of one or more of the KCI Core Values
March 5, 2025
Spirit of the Open Week 1 - 2025

2025 Spirit of the Open nominees - Week 1! Winners are selected by their display of one or more of the KCI Core Values: Bought In, Gratitude, Grit, & Family. Below are all of the week 1 nominees!

Adam came in on Thursday to do the programmed workout, but was convinced to do the Open workout as he was having surgery in the morning. Without having anyone else to do it with, Adam tackled the workout by himself even when he wasn't fully prepared to do it!

Judy was willing to join the 7:30 class for the open in lieu of her usual Legends class. She’s always working hard in the Legends class, but for her to join a class of people she doesn’t know, doing something she’s new to shows a lot of courage!

Nick & Brady working out side by side  embodies all 4 of our values: Bought In: Nick believed in CrossFit and welcomed his son into the fold. Gratitude: showing up, participating on a team, and growing because of their experience Grit: both accepted the challenge of the Open and completed it as Rx (Brady, for his age group). Family: going through it together and for Nick leading by example.

Love, love, love that a Legend signed up to do the Open. Our heroes are in the legends class!




Daniel nailed the theme! Full neon outfit!

Christine - she makes it all work!

(Savannah) After working a 12 hour shirt, she showed up, went for RX (she never does that!), and crushed it!

I am nominating Nick and Brady because I love a good 'parent/child' who do CF together story!  Side-by-side, dressed up Friday night was awesome.

(Andy) He went right from the workout (Rx) into the weekly challenges with the BEST attitude.  He (and others) really made those challenges fun to watch.

(Daniel) Loved that one of our smallest make athletes went Rx and his head to toe neon green was hilarious.

I'm nominating the entire 6:15am class who all came in to FNL (except Tom but I knew he had to work).  They are so supportive of one another.  

(Judy) She could get my vote any week for being brave enough to sign up and try something new/challenging.

Lainey pushed herself and kept positive energy throughout the workout, I was trying to keep up with her but she just kept moving.

Nicole had no idea what she walked in to Friday night, but after a little direction, she jumped in with both feet and completed her first open workout!  

Kea came in with a great attitude about 25.1 despite having a highly challenging week at work. She came to cheer others on at Friday Night Lights, then left to take her daughter to a middle school dance, returned to *do* the workout, and this all after foot surgery just 6 weeks ago! Proud of you, Kea!! Way to exemplify #gratitude and #grit ◡̈  

Angel has been working so hard in the gym and did amazing on the first workout.

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