Here are what KCI members noticed and said about other members' effort and character during week 2 of the 2025 Open!
Clay: He always shows determination when working out. He gives 100%
Sam worked so hard to get his first muscle up and it was truly amazing to watch him. I’m truly proud of him and all his efforts.
Clay chose to do the workout RX even though he knew pullups was not a skill he’s mastered. He battled and fought and frog kicked his chin over the bar at least 18 times today!!! Talk about grit!!! Way to go Clay!!!
Sam was working to get a muscle up in the warm-up and could not get one. He didn’t give up and got one during the actual workout! It was super exciting to watch.
Carlene pushed me as a judge and also pushed it as an athlete! She always puts it all out there!
I am constantly in awe of Rod every time I see him in class. He exemplifies Gratitude and Grit in each workout. He never complains, he never says something is not possible. He just puts his head down and gets the work done. Sometimes I even have to convince him to scale to hit the stimulus, because he just wants to do exactly what is written.
When I grow up, I want to be just like Rod!
Bill went all out on the weekly theme and helped to make FNL a fun event. And then he had to come back and complete the workout “for real” on Sunday. He also got several other members involved on the action.
Daniel: He wore a singlet with confidence!
Bill brought his A-Game energy for the weekly theme! His positivity is contagious!
Savannah got her first pull-up ever before the workout started!! Even though she didn't get another one in the workout, she tried for a few minutes. Her effort is inspirational!
Sam got his first muscle up in 10 years during the workout! He tried a few times, got some coaching, and finally got a bar muscle up! It's an amazing accomplishment that takes a lot of effort!
Daniel: Wore Erika's singlet for the photo op and theme (for the second week wearing a BOLD outfit)
Sam: Got a muscle up!!!! So cool!!
Bill and Nick for their stellar performance as Macho Man and Hulk Hogan-one for the books!
Adam B: Ordering clothes from Amazon! Doing the workout at FNL-helping judge and cheer others on-WIN!
Sydney: She went RX and got her first chest to bar pull-ups
Lainey killed the chest to bars, she pushed herself and was amazing to watch. She stayed positive and just kept moving.
Marie: Always helping other out, great MC for Friday night lights