Happy New Year, KCI. This time of year you might start seeing some new faces in the gym and we are excited to show them what KCI CrossFit is all about. Here are a couple ways you can make someone feel welcomed!
1. Say hello. It can be scary going to a new place, period. Now imagine walking into a new place and the music is blaring, barbells are dropping and funny looking movements are being done. Intimidating, to say the least! So when you see a new face at the gym, say hello, introduce yourself , and simply ask “Tell me about yourself.”
2. Offer help. Bathrooms, bands, barbells, PVC pipes, ab mats, you name it. New people are overloaded with new things. So lend a hand and show them where everything is
3. Don’t coach. Don’t feel like you need to coach a newcomer. You don’t know their background, if they have any injuries, or how long they’ve been doing CrossFit. Offer encouragement and discussion, but allow your coach to coach them.
4. Partner up. Put yourself in their shoes. Having a workout or lifting buddy is way less intimidating as a beginner, so consider partnering with the newcomer. Maybe you can show them what really good technique looks like. And hey, it’s ok if you your workout isn’t drop-down intense today. Have some fun!
5. High fives abound. Fist bumps, high-fives, whatever. Make a point to find that athlete and congratulate them on a great workout. There’s no better way to encourage a new athlete to return than offering some praise and encouragement.
6. Encourage them to return. Walking through the door was probably really hard for them. Help make their decision to return easier by encouraging them to come back. “Will I see you again tomorrow?” is a great way to start and will show them that KCI CrossFit isn’t like any other gym they’ve ever been to.
7. Remember your first time. Regardless of how long you’ve been part of this community, everyone had their first day. Reflect on your first day/week/month and share some insight with them.
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