Healthy Habits Day 4/5 - How we THINK!

Create healthy habits around the 5 factors of health: the way we move, eat, recover, think, and connect.
August 23, 2024
Healthy Habits Day 4/5 - How we THINK!

“I want to be healthy and stay in shape”

“Your life moves in the direction of your strongest thoughts.” Craig Groeschel

If you want to be “healthy and in shape” ask yourself this question. “What do the healthiest and most fit people I know watch, listen to, read, and talk about?”

As a reminder, we categorize our health into these 5 areas: 

Day 4: THINK:

We can develop habits that get us thinking about things that move our life forward - toward being more healthy and in shape! So here are some examples of habits you can cultivate!

I’d be willing to bet you already do one or more of these!

Your task: Pick one habit for the next 90 days. Create a way to track your behavior. Use an excel spreadsheet, app on your phone, or a check box on your calendar.

Remember, the most important part is tracking your behavior and measuring it over time. “What gets measured gets improved” is true! So create a metric to track and a way to measure your progress over time!

Day 1: Eat

Day 2: Move

Day 3: Recover

Day 4: Think

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about CONNECT!

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