“I want to be healthy and stay in shape”
Do you have cranky knees? Or are you feeling burned out?
You, my friend, might benefit from creating a habit to recover better!
This week we’re helping you take action on what it means to be healthy and stay in shape.
Yesterday, the topic of discussion was MOVE. What habits are you reinforcing to achieve the #1 goal we all have: “Be healthy and in shape!” Today, let’s create a habit around RECOVERING better!
As a reminder, we categorize our health into these 5 areas:
What does it mean to improve recovery? Not only from CrossFit workouts, but from life in general! Get high quality sleep. Minimize chronic stress, inflammation, and soreness. Take care of your nervous system, joints, muscles, and tissues. This is recovery!
Here are some measurable habits to consider when it comes to your own recovery. One of them might stick out to you, or maybe you’re thinking of a different habit already!
- Stretch for 10 minutes in the morning
- Stretch for 10 minutes in the evening
- Take vitamins daily
- Put my phone away after a certain time
- Track amount of time watching television
- Track amount of time spent on social media
- Schedule a monthly massage
- Spend 5 minutes foam rolling in the evening
- Do not watch tv in bed
- Go to bed at a consistent time
- Practice an evening breathing protocol
- Take cold showers before bed
- Limit to a certain amount of alcohol per week
- Practice yoga a certain amount of time per week
- Get direct sunlight daily
Do some of those surprise you? Each of those habits can have an impact on your recovery - feeling refreshed, recharged and ready for tomorrow. And each of those is a habit you can implement, track, and measure your progress over time.
Your task: pick one habit for the next 90 days. Create a way to track your behavior. Use an excel spreadsheet, app on your phone, or a check box on your calendar.
Remember, the most important part is tracking your behavior and measuring it over time. “What gets measured gets improved” is true! So create a metric to track and a way to measure your progress over time!
Day 1: Eat
Day 2: Move
Day 3: Recover
Tomorrow, we’ll talk about CONNECT!